28 January 2007

Today was a good day

Well, nothing majorly noteworthy has happened since my last post until today. There were a few nice random things. I finished off my whm merits with a blm cannon pt with my friend Mirewen and some random BLMONRY members. I also got NINE xp scrolls during the time since my last update. 5 of them took SMN from 36 to 37 and 4 of them took RNG from 23 to 24 (just wanted to get to the level where I could equip Empress Hairpin before I level this job again in the future). No DRK gloves in dynamis and no Swift Belt, though not from lack of trying. I ended up using 3 codices in the span of 3 days and went 0/3. Grats to Willian and Tryxie and everyone else that got theirs though.

Today things were a little more in my favor, though I have to admit it didn't look that way at first. Today we did Dynamis-San d'Oria in Encore. I had to go as BRD which was my first dynamis experience as BRD. Not too bad, but I don't really like it that much for dynamis. So anyway, I have the WHM relic from sandy so I was only lotting Bard's Roundlet. Well as luck would have it, about halfway into the run one drops. This is my first time in a while actually getting to lot on relic and I lot a monster lot of 21 and lose it. I wasn't too upset since I don't get relic often, even though the roundlet is a really great piece. But then about 3-4 minutes before our timer's up another one drops. I have the winning lot but a few people are dead. We get them raised to pass but someone's afk. Somehow we manage to get a BLM into their pt to d2 them and I get the relic, but it was a REALLY close call, almost lost it.

Luckily I got it and was really excited about it. I haven't gotten relic that I actually wanted in ages so this was a welcome change.

After an nq Adamantoise that died in like 15 seconds to someone, Cami asks me to help him duo Leviathan so I figure I'd lend a hand and then we'd enm afterwards. In all honesty, my being there probably wasn't necessary, though I'm sure Barwatera helped out a lot on the 2hr. It was an easy win. Afterwards we head to do the eft enm in Boneyard Gully. What about these apples?

I didn't even know that was possible, but I sure as hell didn't complain. A Maneater each for 30 minutes of work, good times.

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