07 June 2007


So what has happened since the last blog update? Did some meriting, enough to take h2h from lvl 0 to lvl 5...

What else? Oh yeah....

I got Retribution. It's a cool looking ws, even though I like Spirit Taker in general for stealing mp. But it's still pretty cool and thanks to Mirewen and Gotterdammerung for making it happen.

Most importantly, my small little assault group (myself, Mirewen, Gotter, and Cami) has been having a lot of luck with the Azure Experiments assault...

I think that speaks for itself. We got both of the really awesome items in the span of a few days. Grats to Mire for her sexy boots and grats to me for one of the coolest items in the game! I'm still shocked I actually got it. :o Now to get 3 more of each!

Mirewen's been having a really good streak of luck lately too! In addition to the Ataractic Solea, she also got a Cleric's Briault from dynamis and well, I think this really speaks for itself...